Care To Grow
Several years ago now, The Commonwell initiated The C.A.R.E. Program – Create A Ripple Effect. Over $5,500,000 of direct community support and countless volunteer hours later, we decided to update the program and focus it even more rigorously on the communities of Commonwell country.
Care to Grow is our take on corporate social responsibility. The goal of Care to Grow is to grow community resiliency and capacity – to help smaller places, wide open spaces and neighbourhoods like yours bounce back from the impact of the pandemic and grow into a brighter future. We figure the best way to do that is to invest in learning new skills, education, training and even growing food security like we’re doing with our SEEDit program.
We’ll report the results of Care to Grow to our policyholders annually, and we’ll ensure more families, individuals and businesses across the province experience the benefits of strong support for the growth of all.
Sign up for our Care to Grow email list to stay in the know about our current programs and get any exciting new announcements.
So what’s the impact of growing resiliency, capacity, learning and engagement in Commonwell Country? What does it look like on the ground? We’re glad you asked and we’re excited to show you. Read the 2024 Impact Report to find out.
Our Initiatives
The Impact of Good
So what’s the impact of growing resiliency, capacity, learning and engagement in Commonwell Country? What does it look like on the ground? We’re glad you asked and we’re excited to show you. Read the 2024 Impact Report to find out.
The last few years have been challenging for many communities. Yet it is equally true that these same communities are learning to bounce back, creating new ideas and working together. At The Commonwell, we believe we can help speed up the process by investing in it. We call it L.E.A.F. – the Learning and Engagement Accelerator Fund. How it works is simple: We’re inviting every community in Ontario to earn L.E.A.F. grants that will help bring in new programming or update and upgrade community facilities where residents learn, play, engage and gather. If it builds capacity and resiliency, it will be considered.
The SEEDit Initiative
One out of every ten people in Ontario don’t have enough to eat and more lack access to fresh and nutritious choices. So let’s do something about that. The Commonwell’s SEEDit program inspires food sharing by helping you start a veggie garden in your backyard and giving you tips and advice to maximize your harvest. We’re helping backyard farmers grow what’s good, share it with others and create communities of like-minded neighbours. SEEDit is just the beginning of improving food security together.