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Statement of Commitment:

The Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that its policies, practices, and procedures are consistent with the following principles:

  • All services will be provided in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities.
  • Persons with disabilities will be given an opportunity equal to that given to others to obtain, use, and benefit from the services we provide; including using assisted devices and/or support persons.
  • Employees will communicate with customers in a manner that takes into account the person’s disability.

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan:

Multi Year Accessibility Plan 2023


The Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group welcomes feedback on our delivery of services to people with disabilities.  To submit your feedback, please complete the accessibility feedback form.

If you require this document in an alternate format or would like more information, please contact:

Teri Lawrence 1-855-436-5883 ext. 1203

Julie Yandt 1-855-436-5883 ext. 1202