The L.E.A.F. Initiative is a Commonwell program to support capacity, resiliency and growth in the communities we call home.

Maxville Manor Redevelopment

80 Mechanic Street West MaxvilleK0C 1T0

Target Completion Date: December 15, 2025

What is this project about?

The Ministry of Long Term care requires that all long term care facilities in the province upgrade or demonstrate a plan to upgrade to the Ministry’s new definition of “A” class beds.

Currently, the Manor has 48 beds of its 120 beds which do not meet this designation as a portion of the facility was built in the late 1960’s. In looking at the long term needs of the community, the Building Committee has recommended and the Manor Board has agreed that the facility should be redeveloped and expanded to 160 beds. This redevelopment recommendation took into consideration the age of the existing building and the fact the several of the mechanical and electrical systems are reaching their normal end of life. All 160 beds will be new once the project is terminated.

As part of this redevelopment, central areas like the kitchen and laundry areas will also be replaced to be able to service the needs of a larger facility and, in the case of the kitchen, to provide for growth in our community outreach programs, as well as to improve both the offering and allow for better food cost control.