The L.E.A.F. Initiative is a Commonwell program to support capacity, resiliency and growth in the communities we call home.

FLEXspace for the Deseronto Public Library

358 Main Street DeserontoK0K 1X0

Target Completion Date: September 10, 2023

What is this project about?

Bringing a flexible, adaptable, and maker-based space to the town of Deseronto is the goal for this project. The Deseronto Public Library’s FLEXspace would create a programming space that could grow and develop along with the needs of the community. This programming space would be completely unique to the town of Deseronto and ensure that the Library is a true community hub for all residents and visitors.
To serve all Library patrons, this space will feature STEAM technology, updated projection equipment for presentations and workshops, and mobile furniture to keep the space as flexible as possible. The under-utilized space would be transformed into a welcoming learning environment. The space would be used for STEAM and technology-based Library programs for participants of all ages, but also available to external community groups as a bookable resource.
The Deseronto Public Library would invest in staff training to ensure that all staff are confident and able to assist the community with using the available resources to their fullest potential. The Library will also create and solidify community partnerships to advertise the space to the residents of Deseronto. Some examples include, The Girl Guides of Canada Deseronto Unit, Community Care for Seniors, and the Deseronto Public School.
