The L.E.A.F. Initiative is a Commonwell program to support capacity, resiliency and growth in the communities we call home.

Alexandria Skate Park Expansion

102 Derby Street West AlexandriaK0C1A0

Target Completion Date: June 30, 2022

What is this project about?

The Alexandria Skate Park is a municipal asset extensively used by youth in the community and adjacent areas. During COVID-19, the skate park was one of the facilities available to the youth to exercise in a socially-distanced manner. To date, the Alexandria Skate Park Committee has been created, a presentation was made to Council and a resolution was approved by Council to support the park and apply to funding opportunities. Engineering plans have been paid for and created for the expansion. Geo-technical study and soil sampling date obtained. A survey was commissioned and completed for the project.

The expansion of the existing Alexandria Skate Park, located in Island Park in Alexandria will see the surface increase by nearly 200% from 3,525 sqft to 9,670 sqft.

Presently the skate park is adequate for one user at a time which is less than ideal with COVID-19. The creation of new platforms and obstacles allows for more skaters to use the asset in a safe manner at the same time.

The project has a dedicated website –