The employees, brokers and policy holders of The Commonwell share a common social responsibility: Invest in and grow the resiliency and capacity of the places we call home and do business in throughout Ontario. Welcome to the first annual Care-To-Grow Impact Report 2022.
200+ Communities
in Ontario impacted
$5 Million+
funds raised & contributed since 2014
3,168 Families
participated in SEEDit gardens & sharing.
$1 Million+
contributed through L.E.A.F. grants in 2022
2,944 Hours
in paid employee time off for volunteer work
The Commonwell invests a percentage of annual earnings before taxes in Commonwell communities through Care-To-Grow and other programs.
The Commonwell invests in community resiliency through two programs that are dedicated to learning, engagement and capacity building.

“Sharing can never start too early: Another wonderful outcome of the SEEDit program was the grand children learning how food grew and sending them out to pick fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs for meals and running a basket over to the neighbours to share. With The Commonwell’s help, I’m able to do more for my community and my family. Thank you for the community impact that this program will continue to have.
– Regena Scott | The Commonwell
“The LEAF Program allowed The Drop to put smiles back on Youths’ faces while providing invaluable mental health guidance, at no cost, for children in the Parry Sound community. I visited the location during an open house and was amazed at the youths’ art work and the smiles from the volunteers. But, what touched me most was meeting one young person who has been helped by them. I had chills talking to her. Commonwell – you are making a difference, thank you.”
– Dave Garagan | Managing Partner
Parry Sound Insurance Brokers
“It feels good to be able to share fresh veggies with neighbours. Especially so given the soaring costs of food.”
– Lindy Mechefske | SEEDit Participant
“Thanks to this funding, the Picton Branch Library expansion will feature dedicated youth spaces for connection, collaboration, and creativity. Places where youth can spend time without spending money are limited in Picton and we are thrilled to know this project will change that.”
– Barbara Sweet | CEO
County of Prince Edward Public Library and Archives
Commonwell President and CEO Tim Shauf explians the power of growing resiliency and invites everyone in Commonwell Country to help create a ripple effect.
L.E.A.F. and SEEDit Program Launch Dates for Fall 2022 and Spring 2023
New granting opportunities will be offered to communities starting mid-September, 2022. Visit to learn more, understand the process and register your community project or group for consideration.
New SEEDit $50 Vouchers will be made available starting in early Spring, 2023 to be redeemed at local garden centres in your community. Details will become available at starting mid-April, 2023.